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December 2004 Minutes

Auburn Human Rights Commission
Members: Present (P) Absent, (A); Excused (E)

Karen Sheftic-Burns, Ex.Director   _P   Fred Richardson, Commissioner __P___
Judah Rodriguez-Sierra _E__ Fr. Stephen Mack  _P__  Lebertus van der Werff   _E_  
Gwendolyn M. Jones __P___ Kent Brandstetter__P___ Anthony DeCaro _P___
Yolanda Rivera  __P__
Members Present: ___6_  Members Absent: __0_    Members Excused:  _2___  

Auburn Human Rights Commission - Director’s Report
December Holiday Meeting 2004
Approve/second September minutes by:   DeCaro/Brandstetter

Members discuss the following:

·       Monthly intake for November  (25) consisted of questions and/or complaints dealing with housing matters (landlord and tenant, repairs), employment (unjust termination, racial discrimination), legal needs, general questions concerning issues pertaining to human rights.  

·       Monthly Budget:  Members please see monthly activity report attached.
Please note line appropriation .44 on the monthly printed report is in error with an expenditure of $558.00.  There should only be a $100 expenditure for this line.  In error, the Comptroller’s Office added the cash and checks to the $100 claim, resulting in the error.  The next monthly budget report will show the correction.  In addition, when viewing the percent used column, please note that the MUNIS system does not show the difference between encumbered funds from last year’s budget and the current percentage used from the current budget.  It’s important to monitor the percentages, as they do not accurately reflect usage.

·       The “holiday appeal” for Human Rights Scholarship donations began in October with printed materials mailed to service organizations and general business contacts.  Requests for donations are earlier than last year in hope of gaining more funds around holiday.  Tickets continue on sale for fund raising and will remain until May 2005.  The Human Rights office has all merchant donations that’ve donated items for fundraising.  Again, we thank Auburn Holiday Inn, Sunset Restaurant, Springside Inn, and Apple Auto Wash for their continued support for our student scholarship.  Another mail appeal is underway with hopes of securing scholarship donations around the holidays.  A small percentage has responded thus far.

·       Auburn Human Rights Commission Fair Housing Forum provided relevant information on issues around housing.  CNY Fair Housing provided the in-service and forum to a board room full attendance.  Issues covered were:

-       Additional occupants/guests when renting
-       Lease agreements/month to month renting
-       Code violations and enforcement
-       Discriminatory lending practices
-       Duty of repair

·       Black History Month program plans are underway.  Additional mail reminders set for release.  This program strives to help students scaffold their classroom learning with this program on learning about people and their accomplishments.  This program aims at encouraging respect/awareness to others (famous or not), build self-esteem and identity awareness in students.  Auburn School District elementary and middle schools (grades 2-8) received a mailing “Call for Entries” at the end of October.  Entry deadline is Tuesday, January 11, 2005.  Program date is scheduled for February 2, 2005.

·       HR has tentatively reserved Women’s History Month (March 2005) presenter Ellen Mnich (A.H.Clst.) for Tuesday, March 8, 2005.  More details to follow.  Researching a grant that fosters self-sufficiency among women and girls.  This may help us extend this program to more schools or grade levels.  It appears their time line for allocation is after the fact but it needs further exploration.

·       Old Business:  

Motion to adjourn/Second:  DeCaro/Jones

Wed. January 5th at 5 pm
Happy Holidays to all!
Members please call 255-4122 if you cannot attend.